Saturday, August 6, 2016

Be Bold!!

Be bold in Christ!  When we are courageous and bold our hearts and very lives become His and we march willingly in His footprints.  Once we have surrendered, he protects and leads us no matter the cost.  His wisdom is our wisdom.  He fills all the void places in our lives.  Ask for His amazing grace!!  Such a simple act.  Are you brave enough to do the right thing?!  Where is your deep courage? This is a decision you will never regret my friend.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bereft and Diminished....

It is our internal war we must fight first before we can win the world's wars. 

Now is the time to be sold out completely to His precepts.  We must always bear in mind that there can be no halfway mark.  It is all or nothing in today's world. 

There was a time when we could float through every moment of our lives and taking that route has led us to become bereft and diminished as examples of God's love.  We will have to fall forward before we can rise above what this world is offering.  Limiting our lives by the world's standards excludes the joyful knowledge of a better way to live.  He is our example at all times. We should never allow ourselves to be diminished whether it be by our own actions or the actions of others.  We should be God's mighty people of valor who are willing to offer ourselves in His service.  Are you willing to be deeply courageous?

Monday, July 18, 2016

Nothing Wasted...

Words are never wasted.  They hit their mark pretty much all the time.  Some words wound while others uplift.  There are times when words meant to uplift actually wound us and most of those times how we receive words is relational.  Once we allow ourselves to accept what is being said and to not internalize our interpretation of what we think we have heard we are better able to understand and receive the message.  Jesus' messages were very clear, never muddy.  In fact, there were a couple of times in scripture where his anger was evidenced due to injustice and disobedience.  His ministry was about love, His and our own. Be careful what you say.  Be clear about what you mean to say.  Be encouraging.  Guard your heart and the hearts of those whose lives surround you.  Rise above and waste nothing!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Rise Above

Our world as we have known it has seemingly "flown apart" in recent weeks.  So much hurt and confusion abounds in our lives and we are left feeling one of two things.  Either we want desperately to "do" something to make it better or we feel stunned and can't do anything other than take a wait and see attitude.  There are benefits to both behaviors you know.  Taking a wait and see view can be correct in some instances.  I believe that all our hearts are hurting tremendously no matter how we are currently viewing the world.

Recently I've been led to pay closer attention to the subtle nuances of what God has been saying to me.  It can be words from a song, scripture that affirms what He is saying, or something a friend or co-worker happens to say at any given moment.  We don't know what he wants us to do if we don't allow ourselves to hear.  One message I've heard over and over is that there can only be true safety and peace if we are completely sold out to what we believe and know to be true.  I know that I know that He has told me repeatedly that we as Christians should be prepared to trust Him and to speak openly about our values.  Which leads me to the second part of allowing ourselves to hear.  Are we truly listening with our ears, minds, and hearts to those around us?  Do we know why the person sitting next to us has a stake through their heart?  What are we doing to add value to that person's life?  It is more true than you can know that allowing ourselves to be open to others dreams, hopes, and pain allows us to not only be a blessing, but also to be blessed.

We must rise above ourselves, our pain, our misgivings, and our fears in order to share the most beautiful love ever given to us.  Are you willing to do that?